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Online Free Image To Text Converter

Simple Image To Text Converter

How does this tool works

Follow the steps below to extract text from am image

Upload Images

You can drag and drop Images into the input box above or select images from your local device. Supported image formats are JPG, PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF.

Auto Extract Text from Images

Our Image to text converter automatically extracts text from images and transforms it into editable text.

Download/Copy Options

Download your converted text by clicking the download icon ( Download file icon ) or copy content to the clipboard using copy button ( Copy file Icon ).

Features Of Our Images To Text Converter

How does the Image to text converter work?

Based on OCR technology, Image to Text tool is developed with advanced libraries and text recognition models.

Different patterns of characters have been divided into different prototypes. Typically, an image OCR tool does the following:

  • First, our image to text tool scans and extract text from the Image.
  • Then this tool performs image to text space partition and arranges text according to the image.
  • After the text is completely extracted, our tool makes corrections to make it more accurate.

  • Support multiple file formats

    This photo text converter supports multiple image file formats. To get text from images you can upload them in the following file formats.JPG,PNG,JPEG And WEBP

    Who can Use our Image to text Converter?

    Offices: Our Picture to Text Converter is an excellent tool for streamlining data entry tasks in offices. It can easily convert invoices, receipts and other important documents into editable text format.

    Individuals: Individuals can use our photo to text converter for a variety of personal tasks. These may include digitizing handwritten notes and converting printed books into e-books.


    In today's digital age, image formats play a vital role in how we store, share, and view photos...
    Post Date 27 Jun 2024
    In the field of web development and digital content creation, optimizing images...
    Post Date 26 Jun 2024
    In today's digital age, the need to convert and manipulate images is more prevalent than ever...
    Post Date 26 Jun 2024


    How does our Photo To Text Tools Works?

    Photo to text converter is an online tool that convert a photo into text. It works by analyzing the pixels of the image and then converting them into words. The technology can be used to convert scanned documents into text or digital format

    Why Do We Need To Extract Text From Images?

    Text extraction from images is crucial for creating accessible, searchable, editable, and shareable versions of the information contained in images. By using an image to text converter, we can easily get text from images and make the information more usable and valuable.