In today's digital age, the need to resize images is common, whether it's for social media, websites or emails. Fortunately, many online tools make this task simple and efficient. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to resize images using a website.

Step 1: Choose an Online Image Resizer

First, select a reliable online image reseller. Some popular options include:


For this guide, we will use as an example due to its user-friendly interface and robust features.

Step 2: Upload Your Image

  • Navigate to the Website: Open your web browser and go to
  • Upload Your Image: Click on the "Upload an Image" button. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to select the image file from your computer. Choose the file you want to resize and click "Open."

Step 3: Adjust the Image Size

  • Resize Options: Once your image is uploaded, scroll down to the "Resize Your Image" section.
  • Requires Processing: RAW files need to be processed and converted to a more common format like JPG or TIFF before they can be shared or printed.
  • Select Resize Method: You can resize the image by specifying new dimensions in pixels, by percentage, or by selecting a predefined size. For instance, you can enter the desired width and height in the provided fields.
  • Maintain Aspect Ratio: If you want to maintain the image's aspect ratio, ensure the "Keep Aspect Ratio" option is checked. This prevents the image from becoming distorted.

Step 4: Apply Additional Adjustments (Optional)

Many online tools offer extra features for fine-tuning your image:

  • Cropping: You can crop your image to focus on a particular area.
  • Rotate/Flip: Rotate the image or flip it horizontally or vertically.
  • Compression: Adjust the image quality to reduce file size.

Step 5: Preview and Download

  • Preview Your Image: Most tools will provide a preview of the resized image. Review it to ensure it meets your requirements.
  • Download: Once satisfied, click the "Download" button. The website will process your image and provide a link or button to download the resized file to your computer.

Tips for Effective Image Resizing

  • Choose the Right Format: Use JPEG for photos, PNG for images with transparency, and GIF for simple graphics or animations.
  • Resolution: For web use, 72 DPI (dots per inch) is sufficient, while print requires at least 300 DPI.
  • File Size: Aim for a balance between quality and file size. Large files can slow down web pages, while overly compressed images may lose clarity.

When to Use RAW

  • Professional Photography: For commercial, portrait, and landscape photography where image quality is paramount.
  • Post-Processing Flexibility: When you plan to spend significant time editing your images to achieve the desired look.
  • High Dynamic Range Scenes: For shooting in challenging lighting conditions where recovering details in shadows and highlights is important.


Resizing images online is a quick and straightforward process that can be done with just a few clicks. Whether you're creating images for a website, social media, or any other purpose, these online tools provide a convenient way to adjust your images to the perfect size. Try different tools to find the one that best suits your needs and enjoy hassle-free image resizing!